Universities and professional associations usually are organized in ways that tend to separate scholars in adjoining disciplines and perhaps even to promote stereotypes of each other and their scholarly endeavors.
Prepared outlines on current topics after thorough research. For those appearing in CSS 2025 and PMS, these outlines can be beneficial for the, Current Affairs, Pakistan Affairs, English Essay, and International Relations papers.
Prepared outlines on current topics after thorough research. For those appearing in CSS 2025 and PMS, these outlines can be beneficial for the, Current Affairs, Pakistan Affairs, English Essay, and International Relations papers.
Discuss the significance and increasing role of International Society in the classically sovereign domains of state with reference to United Nations. Also debate whether the UN in its present structure of status can play the increased role expected of it? (2011)
Key themes covered in the book include:
Theories of International Relations: The text introduces major theoretical frameworks, including realism, liberalism, constructivism, and critical theories, analyzing how each interprets global politics.
Actors in International Relations: It examines various actors beyond nation-states, including international organizations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), multinational corporations, and transnational networks.
Global Issues: The book discusses pressing global challenges such as climate change, human rights, terrorism, and global health, highlighting how these issues require cooperative responses across borders.
Power and Security: It analyzes concepts of power, security, and conflict in a globalized world, considering the role of military power as well as soft power dynamics.
“Leviathan,” written by Thomas Hobbes in 1651, is a foundational text in political philosophy and social contract theory. Hobbes presents a view of human nature that is fundamentally pessimistic, arguing that in a state of nature, individuals act out of self-interest, leading to a chaotic and violent existence where life is “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.”
“The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge” (1979) by Jean-François Lyotard is a seminal work that critiques modernity’s notion of progress and universal truth. Commissioned by the Quebec government, Lyotard’s report diagnoses the shift from modernity to postmodernity, characterized by the erosion of metanarratives (grand narratives) that once legitimized knowledge and truth.
“Power and Interdependence” by Robert O. Keohane and Joseph S. Nye, originally published in 1977, is a seminal text in international relations that introduces the concept of complex interdependence as an alternative to traditional realism.
The book covers a range of perspectives, including:
Realism: Focuses on the competitive and conflictual nature of international politics, emphasizing state power and national interests.
Liberalism: Highlights cooperation, democracy, and international institutions, arguing that these factors can lead to a more peaceful world.
Constructivism: Examines how ideas, identities, and social constructs shape international relations, focusing on the role of norms and values.
Marxism: Analyzes international relations through the lens of class struggle, imperialism, and economic exploitation.
Feminism: Addresses gender dynamics in global politics, critiquing traditional theories for neglecting the role of women and gendered power relations.
Postcolonialism: Explores the impact of colonial histories and power imbalances in shaping contemporary international relations.