“Wren and Martin’s High School English Grammar and Composition”
“Wren and Martin’s High School English Grammar and Composition” is a renowned grammar book for students.
“Oxford Practice Grammar” by John Eastwood is a comprehensive and authoritative grammar practice series for learners of English.
n preparing this shorter version of A Grammar o f Contemporary English, our aim has been to satisfy the needs of university students who require the comprehensiveness of the original work but not its detail or extensive theoretical discussion or wealth of exemplification. But, insofar as it has been compatible with so curtailed a treatment, […]
Direct and Indirect Narration Made Easy is a booklet about direct indirect narration in English Grammar, Direct and Indirect Narration Made Easy is written in simple Urdu by Afzal Anwar Mufti. Grammar matters! Why? Proper grammar improves the clarity of your writing and increases readers’ confidence in your ideas.Employers often say that when they look […]